
November 19, 2012

One day I hope to be a good driver

I  have a nice little tale to share... Once upon a snowy afternoon, Flor was making a right turn going 15 miles an hour. Flor sucks at making turns even when it's not snowing, so you can imagine what happened next.

Flor's car suddenly had a mind of its own and decided to spin. Obviously, the law of inertia shall always apply, and the car did stop- right after I crashed into someone else's car. I got out and so did the driver and turns out it was my friend, Rachel Wilkinson! Nothing happened to the cars (or the drivers), but now I'm slightly traumatized. I think I'll consider buying a super nice coat and walking to school for the rest of the winter....

Bah!! Who am I kidding? I'll just be more careful next time haha.
(Watch me regret this later)

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