
August 20, 2013


Being in a new environment can be incredibly uncomfortable, but it's so necessary to put myself in these situations. It's forced me to test my limits and really see what I'm made up of. Perhaps I'll never fully understand myself, but in a situation where the most familiar thing is me, I think I'll find patterns that have been there all along. I'll become a more consistent person- more me... I hope.

Many times I've ignored my essence, trying to alter my likes and dislikes. I've finally gained a liking for fish, an openness towards new music, and have become more accepting of others' differences. But in terms of my goals and aspirations, many things have remained rooted, unchanged. For example, I like working with people, I like being challenged, I love expanding my cultural and artistic horizons, and I LOVE being around nature... I feel pleasure after I complete a math problem, watching (and understanding parts of) French films without subtitles, finishing a good book, or even beating my running time. And I love listening to someone else's story or their point of view on a controversial topic. There's a part of me that's always questioning, that's never satisfied...

It's kind of fun learning new things about myself... my vulnerabilities, even.

And I probably sound like the boringest most serious person ever. Wellll... I laughed like five minutes ago over this, this, and this. And I've probably laughed like at least half of these. LOLOLOLO


July 27, 2013




*excluding these

July 22, 2013


I went to Lava Hot Springs with some friends over the weekend! It's a forgotten place with a population of 407, with hot springs of temperatures of up to 130 degrees. No resorts, no perfect hotels, or five star restaurants, no Walmart or Target, and only a Sinclair gas station a few miles away from town.

But it was just what I needed for that very reason... a serenity found in this quaint little town. Ex-hippies play guitar while you swim in the hot waters, and when it gets dark and your only entertainment leaves, the sweeping sound of the passing trailer and a few distant voices are all that remain. The moon was full and bright, above a rocky peak with a lighted "L" on it. The stars were in clear sight, twinkling in the reflection of the still spring waters.

And then it was time to go. Our hands were pruney from sitting in the water for over four hours (pruney hands are BOMB). Then we went to bed and I swear I had the best sleep ever. 

//Tubing down the river

July 4, 2013


//Summer birthdays



One of the best things about the 4th of July are the fireworks. I love the roaring sounds- the ones that go KABOOM and the ones that whistle into the night sky. Ditto (our family golden retriever) is terribly afraid of them. She hastily shuffles the sliding door open with her nose, and walks in like a maniac, creeping under a bed or curling herself up in the corner of our kitchen. Then she trembles and whines like someone is getting murdered--eep!

And while most people aren't afraid of fireworks, I feel like they just don't think they're as amusing as when they were kids. I still marvel at such grandeur--what a spectacular show! And when the lights are coming at me, so close that sometimes I feel I could lift my hands and have some glittering sparks peck at my reaching fingertips, upon realizing that they are far away pasted on the clouded sky, I realize how far I  really am from that sky and how small I really am, and how big this world is. And that sort of recognition- that we're so small in this grand world- has always seemed beautiful to me. Fireworks, man. They get to me.

And America. Gosh, I'm incredibly blessed to live here, and I'm reminded of it often. I seriously take the freedom, safety, and opportunities for granted here sometimes.

June 12, 2013

urdhva dhanurasana
Life list (things to do before I die):
  1. Have a croissant in France
  2. Take a road trip across the U.S. 
  3.  Go on a multi-day biking trip 
  4. Have a cute family and be in love
  5. Learn to roll in a kayak 
  6. Be confidently fluent in French 
  7. Learn how to do a Chakra Bond Pose 
  8. Skydive  
  9. Run a half marathon 
  10. See the Northern Lights
  11. Graduate from college 
  12. Retake violin lessons 
  13. Live in another country for a year 
  14. Have my own business (9 to 5's seem killer)
  15. Serve in a third world country 

April 10, 2013

November 19, 2012

One day I hope to be a good driver

I  have a nice little tale to share... Once upon a snowy afternoon, Flor was making a right turn going 15 miles an hour. Flor sucks at making turns even when it's not snowing, so you can imagine what happened next.

Flor's car suddenly had a mind of its own and decided to spin. Obviously, the law of inertia shall always apply, and the car did stop- right after I crashed into someone else's car. I got out and so did the driver and turns out it was my friend, Rachel Wilkinson! Nothing happened to the cars (or the drivers), but now I'm slightly traumatized. I think I'll consider buying a super nice coat and walking to school for the rest of the winter....

Bah!! Who am I kidding? I'll just be more careful next time haha.
(Watch me regret this later)